The first band of the night that I caught was Power Brrrd, a trio that reminded me very much of some older punk bands that I saw while I was in high school where it is all about the pure energy of the performance. The band rocked out for their entire 40 minute set, switched instruments 3 or 4 times during that period, and congratulated each other at the end of each song by saying "Good job Power Brrrd". After melting as many faces as possible, Westfolk took the stage.
Westfolk, formally known as Oscar Anthony and the Westfolk Band, is a 6 piece rock and roll band that is heavily influenced by the 1960s and 70s rock era. While the feel of their tunes are of that era, they bring a modern edge to the genre, which allows them to rejuvenate the older style and bring new life to that sound.
After Westfolk was Cheer Up Charlie Daniels, whom were celebrating the release of their new vinyl record "Live from '79". Some of you may be confused for a second about this title, I know that I was, but what they are referring to is "Welcome to 1979 Studios", an all analog studio, where the band recorded their live performance straight to 16 track analog tape. Covered in face paint with a movie projected over the stage right wall of The End, the band kicked off their set with the first song off of their new record and never looked back.
Below are some other pictures from the night.
